Episode 2. Actually Having | The Channeling Source Vlog

Jun 16, 2024

Episode 2. Actually Having | The Channeling Source Vlog with Brandon Bloom

(You can watch this episode via the embedded video above, or on YouTube through the link below!)


Titled "Actually Having", this episode is about moving away from wasting time, attention, energy, effort, etc. on trying to LOOK like you have something, are something, or have accomplished something, and redirecting that time, energy, attention, and effort into what it will actually take to ACTUALLY HAVE what you'd genuinely like to have, and live a life and experience you'd genuinely like to have.

Would you like everyone to think you're happy and doing well? (Anyone for any reason.) Or would you actually like to be happy and doing well?

Would you like everyone to think you're spiritual and connected and oh so evolved? Or would you like to actually be that and the people who actually know what's up will see it?

Would you like people to think you're desirable and people want to be around you (or be with you, if that's you)? Or are you willing to do what it takes to authentically become that? 

I realize not all of you are wrapped up in the "looking like" game. (To some sort of detrimental degree, trying to look like you have, are, or have accomplished something when you haven't.) However, if any of you notice you're caught up in it while reading this or watching the video, I'd love for you to consider how much authentically better your life will be if you put effort into, and make the moves you need to, to authentically have what you'd like to have instead!

I'm not here to judge you for it! One reason I'm delving into this is that if it's something that applies to you and you make that fundamental shift to maneuvering towards authentically having, it will change your life for the greater long term!

I hope this helps!


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