Ep 6. (Trigger Warning) Channeled Messages on Sex | A Full Channel Mode Interview Episode (feat. guest Kat Collins)

(Content Warning! As a heads up, while it doesn’t get graphic or explicit, this episode features content related to sexual violence that may be triggering for some viewers. Discretion is advised.)


In this full channel mode interview episode, Brandon’s spirit guides, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal, are interviewed by Kat Collins and channel information and messages on, and have a conversation regarding, sex, sexual fantasies, different types of relationships, and more! Brandon spends almost the entirety of the episode in full channel mode channeling his spirit guides, the angels, and Source, while Kat delves into asking them personal and overarching questions about sex, healing around sex, and other things related to sex.



2:34 Full Channel Mode


4:24 Is there any best way to do sex?


5:23 How did society become so sex negative? Are we going in a different direction in the future?


8:34 Why “can’t” we have sex without guilt or shame as easily as the rest of the species on Earth (that reproduce sexually)?


11:01 About sexual repression


12:45 If someone is assaulted, are they stuck with the dark energies of their assaulter?


15:16 Can those who’ve experienced sexual trauma ever fully heal and recover from it?


18:05 Are some methods of narrative therapy helpful regarding sexual trauma?


19:50 What direction might therapy be going in the future?


22:51 Are any sexual fantasies wrong? Do they align with what people truly believe? Are they random?


29:15 If you masturbate to a sexual fantasy, is that energy going to be wrong somehow and manifest something of a lower nature? (Followed by, what about BDSM or power dynamics in sexual fantasies? What about individuals interested in BDSM or power dynamics who’ve experienced assault?


39:26 Are polyamorous relationships going to be more common in the future? Is society going to shift where there are all types of relationship structures without a judgement of certain ones being more wrong?


47:07 ACX takes the floor with a finishing message.


52:17 Ending Chat



About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.



Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

•The Messages themselves

•An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

•Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

•Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

•Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)








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Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6GYWjX7tT7Js9KrK3JB4AQ

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