Ep 9. The Angels are Channeled on YOUR Submitted Questions! (Q and Channeled A Episode) | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)

The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 9. The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal Channels Through Regarding YOUR Questions! | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)


In this episode, Brandon jumps into full channel mode and channels on listener submitted questions that he was divinely guided in choosing for this episode. Kat joins in once again to read aloud the submitted questions and is prompted by The Angelic Collective Xorbítal to ask a few more questions on the spot for them to channel on towards the end of the episode.


Some topics in this episode include busting spiritual myths around sex, inviting in love, dealing with lack of truth and authenticity in the news around world events, releasing patterns that no longer serve, mental health, and more!





  •  Intro 0:00
  •  Full Channel Mode Portion Begins 3:23
  •  How do you recommend to best release a pattern that you know no longer serves you, but you seem to be repeatedly caught in anyways? For me, it’s a romantic one. 4:35
  •  Am I just meant to be alone in this life? Dating is not going so well. 8:33
  •  I do have a question after listening to episode 6 of the podcast! I have heard from other persons that having sex and/or orgasms is like giving part of yourself away or your creative and magical juices (no pun intended!) away. They say that holding onto the energy used for sex or orgasms helps you to be more creative or better connect to your spirit, therefore you should refrain from partaking, even from self pleasure. I have also heard that having multiple partners (not referring to multiple at one time) breaks a part of your spirit down because you are giving to so many people and it leaves you fragmented and not whole. Thank you for this opportunity! 12:50

    (Every time Brandon reads the above question, his spirit guides just say, “no”, “absolutely not” to all of those listed beliefs.)

  •  How can we distinguish fact from falsity on world issues when the media is no longer authentic and clear? 16:15
  •  How do I know that I’m doing things right? 22:14
  •  The Angels and Source take the floor to say more of what they’d like to say for this crowd listening at this time 26:30
  •  There are certain situations and people that I’m around sometimes where it feels like no matter how much joy and lightness I bring with me, or that I have going into it (the situation or interaction with them), pretty much the (lower) frequency they’re blasting feels so strong I feel compressed around it or I can’t sustain my joy and lightness. I’m able to shake it off afterwards, however, I’m wondering… is the point to try and like strengthen those muscles and try to hold that joy more around that type of (lower vibrational) energy, or is the point more to avoid that type of (lower vibrational) energy and be around it less? 33:18
  •  I had to read a bunch of the DSM (Psychology “bible” with all of the diagnoses and criteria for them, etc.), and reading it and taking it in felt so heavy and like there was an underlying message in it that once you have a mental illness it’s hard to heal that completely. (It’s like you just have bipolar, or you have chronic depression, chronic anxiety (and that’s that). I know not all counselors or psychiatrists believe that, however, it’s just what I was feeling as I as reading it. I know what I believe, but I’d love to hear from you guys your take on that and the possibility of healing for those struggling with mental illness. 35:53
  •  Signing out for this episode 42:07



Resources Mentioned

Website brandonhbloom.com



About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal


When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.





Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material


•The Messages themselves

•An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

•Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

•Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

•Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)





  •  Websites





Social Media

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6GYWjX7tT7Js9KrK3JB4AQ


Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@channellingsource?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


Instagram https://www.instagram.com/channellingsource/



