Ep 10. The Angels are Channeled on Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and More! | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)

The Channeling Source Podcast Episode 10. The Angels are Channeled on Overcoming Limiting Beliefs, Finding the Right Modality, and other Topics | Full Channel Mode Episode (with Kat Collins)

In this episode, Brandon jumps into full channel mode and channels The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal on listener submitted questions that he was divinely guided in choosing for this episode. Kat joins in once again to read aloud the submitted questions and ask some of their own.


Some topics in this episode include overcoming limiting beliefs, overcoming self sabotage, getting unstuck, shifting out of emotional eating, and more!



  •  Intro 0:00
  •  Full Channel Mode Portion Begins 2:05
  •  I’ve felt inspired to take action on something, and felt inspired at the time, however the excitement has fizzled out. Should I still take action towards that idea even though I’m sliding back into a depression? I have this view that for something to have stability it has to be built on high energy from the start. 2:41
  •  I feel so stuck in life. How do I know if I’m self sabotaging or that I’m guided to stay here for now? This is mostly regarding career, but in general as well.  7:31
  •  How do I find the right modality for myself? I’m thinking Reiki or Akashic Records, that sort of thing. 11:46
  •  How do I let go of limiting beliefs when it feels they are sticking around no matter what? 14:53
  •  How do I shift out of emotional eating when the urge can be so strong sometimes? 23:30
  •  The Angels and Source take the floor to say more of what they’d like to say for this crowd listening at this time 27:53
  •  Brandon and Kat talk about channeling 38:17 


Resources Mentioned




About The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal

When asked about a name for them, Brandon's spirit guides replied, "You know we don't have names up here." to which he said, "Yeah, you're right." A few seconds later they gave him a name for them, The Angelic Collective of Xorbítal. In essence, it is a collective of his spirit guides, the angels, and Source. It very strongly features angelic energies and the angels, if you were wondering.


Benefits of Listening to Channeled Material

•The Messages themselves

•An energetic transmission from Source that works only for the highest good. This can move energies, be like a healing session, facilitate upgrades, create shifts and changes for you and your world, etc. and it only works for the highest good.

•Imbibing channeled content can open your own third eye and intuition

•Listening to, watching, or otherwise imbibing channeled content can open your own channeling if you’re meant to channel

•Potentially more! (No need to limit it!)







Social Media

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6GYWjX7tT7Js9KrK3JB4AQ

Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@channellingsource?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/channellingsource/


