Are you looking to change your life? Are you looking to heal, upshift, and elevate?
The Let's Go Higher Membership features a vast and growing library of channeled content, energyhealing content, and other content that is transformational, potent, healing, upshifting, and more. All of it is for the highest good. Many who have joined have mentioned that they love the membership, find it to be valuable to them, and have called it life changing.
(You can click the button below to join the Membership, or keep reading for more information!)
Join the membership from this page and your first month will only be $12!
Would you like a sample of what you'll find as part of the Let's Go Higher Membership? Here's an entire full channel mode session you can find in the membership! You get a new one every month when you sign up, as well as access to all previous membership full channel mode sessions! And that's on top of the other content you receive each month! Pay attention to the energetic transmission of the channeling session and how your energies feel afterwards as well, if you choose to listen to it! You can find more info on channeling, as well as all that the membership includes, below! (Video runtime: 45 Minutes, 56 Seconds)
Channeled Content Can Upshift, Heal, and Transform You and Your Life, Open Your Own Intuition and Channeling, and More!
Channeling not only brings through helpful information, guidance, advice, etc. from The Divine, but also entails a very high vibrational energetic transmission from Source that only works for the highest good. This energetic transmission can bring healing, upgrading, transformation, shifts and changes for the highest good in you and your life, and more for the highest good. This can be topic specific or even go beyond the topic being channeled about. Watching, listening to, etc. channeled content can also open up your own intuition and 3rd Eye, and even your own Divine Guidance and channeling due to the frequency and channeled energetic transmission.

Here's What People Are Saying!
"I was LITERALLY just telling a friend last night that I will never cancel my membership and that it is the best value that I can get for the money! And I have actually been revisiting the red package this week, it is absolutely fantastic and I truly hope/look forward to more packages in the future, and I will be purchasing every single one of them. I do NOT have a lot of expendable income (like most of us currently) but the intrinsic value of both the red package and the gold membership have been absolute life savers for me, and so well worth it. Getting access to the full library for only $20 per month is honestly a steal, and I cannot recommend it enough. Your content has made a huge impact on me and my life for the positive, and I am very grateful." Andie M.
Here's What You Receive When You Join!
The Membership Includes!
- Monthly Live Channeling Night Call with replay included if you'd like to rewatch it or can't make it live! Channeling Night features channeled messages for the highest good of the group that shows up or watches or listens to the replay, as well as a full channel mode session. Channeling Night usually runs for 90 to 120 minutes. (Past Channeling Night replays and past full channel mode sessions uploaded to the membership will also be available to you as soon as you sign up!)
- Some type of channeled or intuitive reading uploaded monthly, whether a channeled timeless collective reading, or a channeled timeless pick a reading video.
- Some form of digital product each month! This can be a channeled guided meditation, an audio energy healing session, a Valeyu Ká Audio Loop, or any other type of digital product my spirit guides guide me to create and upload to the membership, with no limitations imposed on what it has to look like. It will be whatever I get is best and for the highest good to include or facilitate.
- A live session, usually featuring Q and Channeled A, where member submitted questions are channeled and intuited on for the highest good.
- Access to all currently available Valeyu Ká Audio Loops
- Exclusive discounts on channeled MP3s, courses, and other channeled content and products found in the online store.
- Full Access to the growing library of present and past membership content, most of it timeless channeled material that can benefit you at any time! This includes tens of hours of content!
- Exclusive discounts (up to 20%) on classes, channeled and intuitive sessions, and most other offerings.
*Membership content and upload schedule may be subject to change, especially as I'm guided. Usually, the feedback I get is that changes I'm guided to make improve the membership for all involved.
Ready to Go Higher?
I am confident that this channeled material, and what the membership brings, will elevate you, bring healing, transformation, and positive shifts and changes to you and your world, and will otherwise have a positive impact on your life.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience if you join!
Join the Membership below!
(It is hassle free to cancel your membership at anytime.)