
Take a look at currently available services and classes

(1 on 1 channeled and intuitive mentoring must be booked through private links sent to you after you sign up through the mentoring page, and is not currently available on my public scheduler.)

Schedule a Reading!

Book a Class!

You can utilize the scheduler near this paragraph to book a class or other available service with me!Ā 

You can request a reading be facilitated via Zoom, so you can get a recording of the channeled reading to listen back to as many times as you'd like.

1 on 1 readings are once again available! I have had to raise my prices to make them sustainable for me, to safeguard my energies for the other work I'm doing, and because 1 on 1 readings can go very deep, are fully channeled, and have seemed to take a lot out of me in the past, which makes it difficult for me to run other parts of my business if I end up doing too many. This also allows me to better show up for each 1 on 1 reading I facilitate! I am confident in the readings I facilitate and in the results they get, both energetically and via the messages that come through, based on the feedback I have received. Many people report shifts and changes in their life before even getting on the call when they book. Higher prices also ensure I am working with people who are serious about doing the work.Ā 

*If prices are too high for you, there are a few things you can do.

1. There is a one time 10% discount code you get for a reading or class with me when you sign up for my free newsletter. You can sign up here.

2. Let's Go Higher Gold Membership Members receive a 20% reusable discount code they can use for readings and classes. Silver Members receive a perpetual 11% discount code that can be used anytime for readings and classes.

3. (Coming in the Future) You can purchase a bundle of multiple readings at aĀ discount.



I have been facilitating energyhealing, such as Reiki, since 2017, and teaching energyhealing since 2019. There are multiple classes and modalities you can learn! As of right now, all classes are facilitated via Zoom.

Reiki LevelsĀ 1 through Master are still available if you are drawn to learn Reiki!

A new modality I began receiving and channeling through from Source, My Spirit Guides, and The Angels (you know), in 2022 called The Source Fires is now available for booking! There are 4 classes that will be available for the Source Fires as of right now, with the first being The Four Angelic Fires, An Energy Tool. The Source Fires are very potent, and they are effective. I began teaching The Source Fires towards the end of 2022, and this modality has had amazing feedback. I'm so excited to teach it, get it to the world, and see what it does for everyone!

The last class I have available right now is the Intro to Channeling Class, which connects people with their gifts, teaches them how to grow their gifts, and includes an attunement to open and expand (and grow) a recipients intuition, channeling, and Spiritual Gifts and Abilities in whatever ways would be for the highest good, as far as they can go! (that or better). This class is focused on channeling and teaching a recipient how to channel, and expand their gifts. This class is great for beginners, and those who are newer to channeling.


I was first introduced to Brandon's readings via Instagram and was instantly drawn to his grounding, playful, and generous soul. I booked a reading during a very confusing transition in life for affirmation of trajectory or any extra guidance, and almost instantly began receiving his Medicine and energeticĀ upgrades as I submitted my payment. I could not help but smile throughout the Session - Brandon's way of channeling is beautiful, light, and transparent. I enjoyed how it gave me a glimpse of hisĀ language and relationship with his Guides, and the words spoken to me were so deeply resonant that I felt them ring true on multiple dimensions. If you are seeking a motivational boost, high frequency support, and anchoring guidance - I highly recommend booking a reading with Brandon.

Erica J.

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